The Rocky Mountain Section (RMS) is the Southern Alberta based chapter of the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group.
The CVMG is a Canadian based club of motorcycle enthusiasts interested in motorcycles which are at least a decade old. It was started in 1967 by 13 vintage bike enthusiasts in Mississauga, Ontario and the Group now has over 1,600 members across Canada.
CVMG-RMS Objectives:
- Encourage the ownership, collection, preservation and use of motorcycles of historic interest.
- Organize rallies, shows, displays, sporting events and other events.
- Encourage the preservation of all records, data, objects and other miscellaneous items pertaining to the history of motorcycles and motorcycling.
- Provide an organization to carry out services required by members.
- Safeguard the rights and privileges of its members and to take action, where advisable, in cases where general principles affecting the objectives of the Group or the rights of motorcyclists are involved.
- Publish such periodicals, newsletters, or other publications as may be of service to members and further the objectives of the Group.
The CVMG is organized to fulfill it’s objectives as a non-profit (without share capital) incorporated club, operated entirely by volunteer members for the mutual benefit of all members through an annually elected executive and a system of representative section officials. The CVMG and it’s 23 sections in various parts of Canada, accomplish the Groups objectives by organizing events for vintage and classic motorcycles and their riders and providing services and help to members on a mutual assistance basis.
In Canada, Veteran motorcycles are those made prior to 1915, Vintage were made from 1915 to 1930 and Post-Vintage were made from 1931 to 1945. Classic motorcycles are those made from 1946 to 1960, Post-Classic from 1961 to 1970. Modern Classic from 1971 to 1980 and Late Classic from 1981 to 10 years of age.